九游会国际 continues to meet head-on the intellectual 以及当今的人类问题. The challenges are formidable, 和 university professors 学生们正在通过相关研究来解决这些问题,这些研究转化为 real-world applications 和 learning opportunities.
USM是146所被列入“R1:博士大学-非常高”的大学之一 《九游会国际》中的“研究活动”类别 教育. The category includes universities engaged in the highest level of research 活动.
负责研究的副校长促进和监督大学内的奖学金 社区并主持所有与研究、创新有关的行政程序 活动及奖学金.
负责研究的副校长促进研究、创造性活动和奖学金 within the University community through a variety of services including:
Ensuring compliance with government regulations through the
- 研究行政办公室,协助教师识别和申请外部支持,并提供 post-award administration of contracts 和 grants;
- 科研诚信办公室,负责管理大学的 研究 和 Scholarly Integrity Assurance Program 并监督 院校检讨委员会 和 Institutional Animal Care 和 Use Committee,除其他职能外;
- 创新管理办公室,它帮助教师,员工和学生保护和商业化的创新 that emerge from USM’s research enterprise;
- Office of 研究 Security 和 Export Control,负责协助主要研究人员确保研究工作 是否违反了联邦法规、规章和/或法律 管理向国外发布某些信息、材料和/或技术数据 nationals; 和 the
- 环境健康与安全办公室,以促进科研事业的成功,安全的教学环境和 minimizes health 和 safety impacts to surrounding communities.
作为与研究机构,基金会,政府机构和 行业.
为与联邦机构项目官员的会议提供旅行支持 在华盛顿特区和其他地方.
Providing proposal development support 和 research start-up 基金 to faculty.
负责研究的副校长办公室为教师提供了一项资助计划 促进计划,写作和提交校外建议,以支持研究 以及学术活动. The 程序 provides up to $2,000 to be used for any 活动, 帮助教员准备和提交校外提案的差旅费或日用品.
建议促进跨部门或学院的跨学科努力 被认为具有更高的优先级. Requests to collaborate with faculty at other institutions to prepare competitive proposals also are considered.
建议发展补助金提供$2,000,为期12个月(可竞争性续期) 最长24个月,收费4000美元). Grant recipients are expected to prepare 和 submit 在12个月的奖励期内,一个或多个校外竞争性奖助金提案.
Submit a request (up to two pages) including:
- 拟议的活动
- 发展资金将如何使用
- 简单的预算
- faculty member(s) involved in proposal development
- 程序 affiliation of all participating faculty
- agency(ies) targeted by the planned proposal
- a link to the relevant Request for Proposals or other application guidelines
通过相应的院长将请求转发给副校长办公室 为研究. Proposals may be reviewed in the spring, with a due date of April 15. 欲了解更多信息,请联系研究副校长办公室,电话601.266.5116.
负责研究的副校长办公室(VPR)支持教师参加会议的旅行 with federal agency 程序 officers 在华盛顿特区和其他地方. 我们的目标 这个项目的目的是最大限度地提高教师对联邦机构项目的理解 to learn details of federal funding opportunities. 和项目官员一起拜访 为教师提供机会,提供有关USM的一般信息 和 specific 程序s to those responsible for providing research support funding.
与机构工作人员会面的差旅费申请应通过 研究发展旅游计划 Form on 的冲程体积 web page. 资金决定是 based on 基金 available 和 are the prerogative of 的冲程体积.
- The faculty member must prepare a one-page, four-color document with illustrations to provide to the 程序 officer during the visit. 这份文件应该提交 for review by the Associate VPR (AVPR) prior to travel.
- The faculty member must prepare a brief (about one-page) report on the trip to be submitted before the travel expense report will be processed. 报告应该描述 the purpose of the visit 和 what was learned.
- The report should include contact information for the 程序 office/managers met 因此,VPR或AVPR可以在随后的机构访问中顺便来访,以加强您的访问 和 express the University’s support for your work.
VPR或AVPR可以在旅行前与教师会面讨论目的 以及预定会议的计划.
New Faculty Startup Fund Practices 和 Expectations
九游会国际的教职员工都是根据各自的情况进行评估的 contributions in the areas of teaching, research, 和 service. 新聘教师 members will come from diverse backgrounds 和 may be provided with startup 基金 在适当的水平上协助和加速外部的发展 funded research /scholarly activities 程序.
启动资金可能会提供给新教师购买设备和制作 与开展研究/学术活动直接相关的其他支出 程序. 这项资助不是自动拨款,也不应被视为不受限制 资金池,而是一个专门建立并基于研究/学术的账户 新教职员的活动发展需要及现有资源 在中学、学院和大学.
在制定启动资金的数额时,会考虑到 赠款的数目和数额以及通常所产生的间接费用回收 在提出请求的单位. Startup 基金 for new faculty members will be requested 并根据具体情况分配,启动包通常会协商 as part of the regular new faculty recruitment process.
When requesting startup 基金 from the 研究副总裁, please provide 描述新教员将带来的研究或创造性活动 to USM, along with a budget 和 explanation of how the 基金 will be used. 还包括 可能的资助来源,并请尽可能具体(例如, not just “National Science Foundation,” but include a specific 程序, division, 或融资机会). The 研究行政办公室 is available to assist in identification of potential sources of grant support.
Faculty startup designated (DE) accounts are established for three years with the expectation all 基金 be expended within two years. 这个期望很重要, as the 基金 are provided to enable the new faculty member to establish a research 项目很快. The VPR’s office will distribute half of 的冲程体积 portion of the startup 一名教员抵达九游会国际时获得资金另一半在 第二会计年度开始. If a different distribution strategy is important to meet the new faculty member’s research needs, then a request should be made to 的冲程体积.
启动账户将被关闭,剩余资金将退回到指定账户 accounts (VPR 和 Dean) from which the 基金 were awarded initially. 如果全部启动 到第三年结束时还没有使用这些资金,这是对这些资金的要求 可以向院长提出书面申请吗. But, the reasons for extending the time period 必须引人注目. Should an extension be granted, all expenses during the extended period will be paid from the Dean’s DE account; the startup DE account will not be 重新建立.
Expectations for Faculty Receiving Startup Support
启动资金提供的前提是新教员将负责 use these resources to seek external sources of support. 也请注意接受 of this award requires that any publication (journal article, book, etc.),其他学者 or creative product (webpage, record, CD, etc.)、表现或结果 项目的所有成员必须感谢九游会国际的支持. 大学的专利和版权规定也适用于创业公司的工作成果 基金.
All university policies 和 procedures must be followed for startup 和 any other 资金来源(e ..g., Human Resources, procurement, travel, financial).
作为新的教师指导过程的一部分,系主任或其他指定的 mentor is expected to monitor expenditures in the individual startup 基金 so that 资金使用及时,符合计划的研究项目 described by the faculty member at the time of hiring.
在年度绩效评估中,每个有机会启动的教员 support during the previous year is required to provide a brief report describing the status of his/her developing research 程序, which should include a summary 创业资金是如何使用的,并记录他/她在 获得外部资金. No particular format is stipulated for this report 和 它应作为年度评估文件的一部分,每年,直到 启动资金支出完毕. It is recommended that departmental tenure 和 promotion committee consider the summary of these annual reports carefully during the third year pre-tenure review 和 appropriate guidance should be provided to the faculty 作为任期前评估的一部分.